Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Have you ever been to happy? Well some people tell me I am to happy. My whole life I have had to avoid unhappy grumpy people because for some reason they always end up looking at me funny. It is a terrible problem but I suppose we each face our own trials. Mine is that unhappy grumpy people don't like me. Is it possible to have prejudice against happy people? The answer is yes. 

Think about the days where you are sad and frustrated and you just want to sit and mope with someone else who was miserable. Misery loves company right. The last thing you want is a happy person coming in, telling you how amazing life is and that they you should be smiling because life is grand. I find that in moments of misery it is easier to sit and be upset than make the concerted effort to stop moping. Complaining seems like a relief and the effort of being happy stings and forces you to change. But think about it, does anyone really want to be miserable? It is draining. 

Life is about finding happiness. Life is about seeking knowledge, exploring, loving, serving, and having fun. Recently I haven't been my happy self. Weird I know. I finally saw what was on the other side of the spectrum and that is sadness. It is no fun to be sad. These moments of sadness were horrible for me. When happy people were around all I could do was think "Wow, I wish I was that happy again". It was miserable and yet I knew the efforts it took to be happy and it seemed exhausting. 

Finally I snapped out of this miserable stage of life and boy it feels good to be back. It feels good to smile over everything. It feels good to walk through pouring rain and think "I'm gonna walk slower because it isn't everyday that I can feel this rain on my face and get soaked to the bone". It feels good to sit in awe at all the amazing people I know. It feels good to stop and "smell the roses". And most of all it feels good to smile till my face hurts. 

I am happy and I love it! This happiness is a deep joy that lies in having self-control. Once you control your thoughts, you control your emotions.


  1. I LOVE, LOvE, lOvE your picture at the top of your blog. How my heart belongs there.

    You really are one of the happiest people I know, and I have to say that I do agree that deep joy lies in having self-control. With self-control - both in restraining and pushing yourself - you are no longer a victim, but empowered...and you glow from the inside out.

  2. Great blog, and I agree with Chantal: great picture! You look so cute with Sam. Blog again soon!
