Monday, June 27, 2011

Definitely not in New England any more

Zion National Park, Bear Lake... yes please! We are officially exploring Utah. It's about time. We've been here for 10 months and are just barely getting into the camping scene. I recognize the peril in this statement, but I am here to tell you that we are repenting quickly.

We have a trip planned to Craters of the Moon this weekend and then we are going the Grand Canyon, Escalante, Goblin Valley and Bryce Canyon in about three weeks. 

Our fabulous friend, Jeremy Groves, came out from Boston early June to visit and invited us to meet up with him at Zion National Park. So naturally we couldn't turn down the offer and quickly made our trek down south.

We hiked Angel's Landing! It was far more than a walk in the park. Apparently, a methodist minister said that the mountain was so high that only angels could land up top. A traveler who was with him decided to prove him wrong and climbed right to the top and that my friends is how it received its name. 

The picture above shows the grueling path that we walk. Side note: the drop on each side is about 2000 feet. Due to the back-breaking conditions we dubbed ourselves angels at the top (It wasn't that hard, but it sounds better if I spice it up.) You are now reading an angel's blog. How does it feel?

We made it to the top!

Random Cave on the side of the trail.


We aren't in New England any more.

Stay tuned for another blog about Bear Lake.

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