Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Yes Sweet Heart"

Marriage has taught me a lot. I think more than anything, Sam has taught me a lot. Unexpectedly I discovered that Sam is even sweeter and kinder in marriage than dating. The longer we are married the more loving and patient he is. I thought I had a catch when we were courting, but I didn't realize how much of a catch until we were married.

I look up to Sam. Yes literally, and yes figuratively. With his heart of gold and warm personality, he has melted my heart time and time again. He constantly humbles me through his thoughtful daily acts.

Over the holidays, I kept asking him to do little things for me, "Sam, will you go get my cord in the attic so I can charge my computer? (This meant that he had to leave his comfortable seat and climb two stories worth of stairs.)" Without questioning me, complaining, or telling me to do it, he just ran upstairs grabbed it and came back down. "Sam, will you go outside and find my black shoes?" Again, without question he runs outside and gets my shoes. "Sam, will you help my sister with her bags?" He jumps up to help her. No questions, just response.

He is constantly saying, "yes sweet heart," instead of "why don't you do it." Without frustration, he goes and does it with a smile and then on his return gives me a kiss. My heart is full of gratitude toward him. He makes me want to be a better person. Now when he asks me to do something, I swallow my natural reaction, "why don't you do it?" and desperately try to be as nice and helpful. I'm not there yet, and have a long way to go, but I have someone to look up to on the journey.


  1. I love this blog post. It warms my heart. You are so grateful and you live with intention. =) You both are amazingly perfect, and I know that you are probably the only people on earth can make each other better. Haha, love your blog, I hope you update more because Tetsuro and I really enjoy reading it!!!

  2. Elena! I miss you so much! I'll try being better at updating! My goal is to start writing more, so we'll see how it goes. I heard about someone who had a similar story to yours, conversion wise. I couldn't help but think about you. Hope all is well.
